The Blood Care Foundation Travel Club was formed to extend membership to individuals around the world who want to access the services of The Blood Care Foundation when travelling abroad.
The Foundation exclusively provides screened blood around the world in emergencies. We have been providing this service for over 20 years and as part of our services, can address the concerns of travellers and expatriates in areas where there is a perceived risk of a shortage of suitably screened blood.
We offer 3 membership subscriptions for individuals.
Corporate membership is available for businesses on an annual fee basis. These fees include the cost of providing and delivering screened blood to any location in the world for corporate employees.
The Blood Care Foundation offer several membership packages based on the number of employees requiring membership.
Up to 25 members: £1,000 per annum
Up to 50 members: £1,695 per annum
Up to 100 members: £2,650 per annum
Up to 250 members: £4,400 per annum
Up to 500 members: £5,750 per annum
Up to 1,000 members: £8,500 per annum
Over 1,000 members: POA
Please note that individual names are required for registration of groups fewer than 250 people, all membership fees are net of any applicable sales, value added or witholding tax and providing rabies immunoglobulin and vaccine are subject to an excess fee of £150 per delivery.